Saturday, January 21, 2006

Transgressions: 2
Effectiveness: Advancing

Today was triumphant. My theory was correct, at least for today, and at least for my temperment. That's cool if you can do it some other way Dan, but I think I've stumbled upon a much better system for myself. My transgressions were kept to a very low minimum, with the transgression of justice being very mild. Tranquility is something that I think I will only stop violating once I have more stability in my routine and system. Until then, I am naturally anxious about how things will turn out.
About my effiectiveness: I went for an intense, 1 hour run this evening, and I wrote 4 good pages in my novel. These were the goals that I set for myself, and they were accomplished in the manner that I had planned. I also started the process of transferring money to allow for the purchase of a car. Oh yeah, and I set up a system in the house to prevent people from eating ingredients for future meals by accident. Today I more than made up for yesterday. Am I violating humility with the tone of this post? If so I'll go and add another mark.
Yeah Kyle, that was me that posted about Gordo's. I lived in San Francisco for a summer and spent about a month there at various times prior to that. It's definitely my favorite city on the west coast, and I plan to visit often when I have a stable financial situation. My girlfriend grew up in SF, and she loves it. We lived on 6th Ave right past Kirkham, about 6 blocks from Gordos. I'd cop those bean and cheese super burritos like nothing else. We went to Greens once and that was awesome...Tart to Tart was another favorite. Shit dude, there are so many awesome places, I'm not even going to get into that.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Transgressions: 11
Effectiveness: Regressing

Based on my ratings it would appear that I did terribly today. The earlier part of the day was quite good--I woke up, wrote a necessary letter, ate lunch with Eva, worked out, ran some errands, set up an account and posted a resume on, wrote two more letters, and then finished studying Mozart's Idomeneo. At that point, if I had sat down and wrote until Eva came home, I'd be advancing and with only a handful of penalty points. Instead, Sam made some cookies and put out some candy and turned on a movie. I felt drained, and I also felt especially temped to relax because it's Friday night, although that doesn't mean anything for me lately. I basically folded. I gorged on junk and said fuck it for the night. Shame on me. On the bright side, I think I understand partially why I failed today. I can't just have a list of things of things I want to get done and begin the day with the mentality that I just need to spend as much time and energy on them as possible. That way I feel like I'm fighting something infinite, that my effort will be endless, and that I'll never rest, and if I do rest, I feel like I'm running out of time and I start to panic. I've experimented with this method, and it sucks. A way better method that I want to use is planning out goals over a long period of time, and accomplishing reasonable portions of them daily. I'll schedule work time and break time, and during break time, I'm not going to think about my projects. It's like school. You don't try to do the whole year in one night. You do your work for one class, only worrying about that, or a paper maybe. But by the end of the year you've done a whole year. Maybe that analogy is terrible. If my idea is good, it should get results. We'll see.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I'm going to rate myself using two systems for now--one will be the shared system, based on Ben Franklin's virtue list, and the other will be a modified form of my + and - system. I like the former because it gives me an occasion to reflect on my daily ethical behavior, which is essential, and I like the latter because it hammers home the point that I need to make my dreams reality. The modification to the + and - system is that it will only have three total scores--advancing, staying the same, or regressing. The application of those should be self-evident from their names. My commentary will be a justification of my score. Things like cleaning, dishes, making food, etc., will not be discussed unless they teach me something that I will use later or materially improve me in some other lasting way. That stuff is important and will be reflected on the ethics list, in categories like order and cleanliness, but they won't appear here.
1/19: Advancing
I quit my job at the SPCA, and I have started searching for a better job. Today I sent out two resumes, and networked with a former supervisor. My networking looks promising already--it might land me a job at a law firm in DC. Either way, what I did today in terms of job searching was essential to advancing my professional and financial standing. Yesterday I filled out several applications, and already I have two offers. By next week I should be working.
I ate moderately today and exercised, which should bring me closer to my health ideal.