Outcome for 12/2: "Win"
Record: 60-2
Streak: Won 4
Summary: Hell yeah--I had to fight so hard not to engage in amusements that would divert my attention, and I think I won. I still have about an hour and a half to go, but I think my white horse won the battle tonight. Below I've posted my summary for yesterday as well as my monthly review. Tonight I finished my French, worked on something for "b", and later I plan to do some exercises from AW. Not only was I productive, but I overcame the urge to eat out.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Outcome for 12/1: "Win"
Record: 59-2
Streak: Won 3
Summary: I couldn't get my internet working last night, so I decided it would have been too inconvenient to post. Now it's working again (I have no idea what happened), and first I'm going to do a post for yesterday, and then later tonight I'll do one for today.
Yesterday I worked and then picked up Josh, and we hung out for the rest of the night. Yesterday was basically a break day, which means I will do some work on Sunday. I still did my French. My eating habits are getting a bit too lax, I think. Between Thanksgiving holiday and Josh coming down, I've been indulging more than I should. I also need to stop biting the skin on the tips of my fingers. It's unhygenic and it makes my fingers look gross.
Monthly Summary:
Three major things happened this month: I started my internship in Baltimore, I began the program in Artist's Way, and I was reminded of some important values that I had been neglecting. Signing up for classes also initiated what will end up becoming a significant movement.
The program in Artist's Way seems great, and after this week I will be 25% done. It seems highly likely to me that I will write more and write better as a result of the program. That was the gamble that I took by taking 12 weeks off from my novel. But already it seems like it will pay-off. I should finish the course at the beginning of February. At that point, even if I write at my old rate I will finish a good draft by the beginning of April, but I expect to accelerate that schedule.
"b" is progressing nicely. My classes are set up, I know what I need to do to get into Penn, and the internship has been a great boost. Sometime this spring I will take the GRE and soon I'll start putting together my application for the summer studio at Harvard. This coming week I'll be attending the monthly meeting for the local green building community.
Overall I was happy with this month. It was shitty that my first two losses occured, and unforunately I would say it was slightly less virtuous than October, but only slightly. I need to get a little more intense this month. This points toward my goal in December: I want to clearly establish my personal guidlines and policies. One aspect of this will be coming up with a new budget, which is now necessary because Eva made her finances independent. This will happen very soon, if not today or tomorrow. Another way I will accomplish my aformentioned goal is to literally legislate for myself, like write down a list of policies. I already sort of do this in my head, and I stick to it surprisingly well. I just need to codify it in writing, make it more external, less subject to my emotions. I also need to constantly remind myself of what I'm doing and why it's important. This meditation isn't hard.
I lost more weight this month. I'm down to somewhere in the mid 170s. I'm hoping the last week hasn't screwed things up too bad. I'm going to keep going with my current program since it seems to be working.
So basically, let's keep posting guys, and striving to be our best. Dan, you need to have a perfect day--you're coming so close! I'm trying not to have a single loss this month. It's feasible; in fact, I did it in October.
Record: 59-2
Streak: Won 3
Summary: I couldn't get my internet working last night, so I decided it would have been too inconvenient to post. Now it's working again (I have no idea what happened), and first I'm going to do a post for yesterday, and then later tonight I'll do one for today.
Yesterday I worked and then picked up Josh, and we hung out for the rest of the night. Yesterday was basically a break day, which means I will do some work on Sunday. I still did my French. My eating habits are getting a bit too lax, I think. Between Thanksgiving holiday and Josh coming down, I've been indulging more than I should. I also need to stop biting the skin on the tips of my fingers. It's unhygenic and it makes my fingers look gross.
Monthly Summary:
Three major things happened this month: I started my internship in Baltimore, I began the program in Artist's Way, and I was reminded of some important values that I had been neglecting. Signing up for classes also initiated what will end up becoming a significant movement.
The program in Artist's Way seems great, and after this week I will be 25% done. It seems highly likely to me that I will write more and write better as a result of the program. That was the gamble that I took by taking 12 weeks off from my novel. But already it seems like it will pay-off. I should finish the course at the beginning of February. At that point, even if I write at my old rate I will finish a good draft by the beginning of April, but I expect to accelerate that schedule.
"b" is progressing nicely. My classes are set up, I know what I need to do to get into Penn, and the internship has been a great boost. Sometime this spring I will take the GRE and soon I'll start putting together my application for the summer studio at Harvard. This coming week I'll be attending the monthly meeting for the local green building community.
Overall I was happy with this month. It was shitty that my first two losses occured, and unforunately I would say it was slightly less virtuous than October, but only slightly. I need to get a little more intense this month. This points toward my goal in December: I want to clearly establish my personal guidlines and policies. One aspect of this will be coming up with a new budget, which is now necessary because Eva made her finances independent. This will happen very soon, if not today or tomorrow. Another way I will accomplish my aformentioned goal is to literally legislate for myself, like write down a list of policies. I already sort of do this in my head, and I stick to it surprisingly well. I just need to codify it in writing, make it more external, less subject to my emotions. I also need to constantly remind myself of what I'm doing and why it's important. This meditation isn't hard.
I lost more weight this month. I'm down to somewhere in the mid 170s. I'm hoping the last week hasn't screwed things up too bad. I'm going to keep going with my current program since it seems to be working.
So basically, let's keep posting guys, and striving to be our best. Dan, you need to have a perfect day--you're coming so close! I'm trying not to have a single loss this month. It's feasible; in fact, I did it in October.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Outcome: "Win"
Record: 58-2
Streak: Won 2
Summary: Since break, my wins have been tougher than before break. I have to fight with myself more. Maybe I built momentum, and in fact, it was this hard back when I first started my current 60 day run, and the only reason it's hard now is because I need to regain my momentum. Who knows. I did my morning pages very well (finished in a 1/2 hour without rushing!), worked, did my French (made an extra effort to absorb information), spent a solid hour on "b", cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom, and after this I'm going on my assigned artist's date for the week.
It works better when I "get into" a task--basically that means that I forget about everything else, psychologically allow myself some time, and loose myself. Also, and I've said this before, aesthetics can be a hinderance to doing well. It's not important whether my life looks a way that strikes me as virtuous, as if I were watching it on tape, it just matters if it is virtuous, even if that means violating principles conceived a-priori. A-priori principles; aesthetics--very important, but they must be handled responsibily, otherwise they just make you a fool. I contemplated some values today that I need to keep reminding myself of (Eva helps with some of those). Hopefully tomorrow can be a "clean" win.
Record: 58-2
Streak: Won 2
Summary: Since break, my wins have been tougher than before break. I have to fight with myself more. Maybe I built momentum, and in fact, it was this hard back when I first started my current 60 day run, and the only reason it's hard now is because I need to regain my momentum. Who knows. I did my morning pages very well (finished in a 1/2 hour without rushing!), worked, did my French (made an extra effort to absorb information), spent a solid hour on "b", cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom, and after this I'm going on my assigned artist's date for the week.
It works better when I "get into" a task--basically that means that I forget about everything else, psychologically allow myself some time, and loose myself. Also, and I've said this before, aesthetics can be a hinderance to doing well. It's not important whether my life looks a way that strikes me as virtuous, as if I were watching it on tape, it just matters if it is virtuous, even if that means violating principles conceived a-priori. A-priori principles; aesthetics--very important, but they must be handled responsibily, otherwise they just make you a fool. I contemplated some values today that I need to keep reminding myself of (Eva helps with some of those). Hopefully tomorrow can be a "clean" win.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Outcome: "Win"
Record: 57-2
Streak: Won 1
Summary: I came back strong today. I was able to get into a great state of mind during my morning pages, my "toilette" was efficient and even invigorating, I kicked ass at work in the morning, made myself a nice cappuccino, did my French, went over to AACC and got into their system and registered for my two architecture classes in the spring, came back finished up at work, then I went to yoga for an hour, which was great, and after this I'm going to take care of some admin and put in my 45 minutes of AW. Yesterday, even though I had a loss, I still accomplished some important shit. Eva opened her own bank account, so now I have complete control over the budgeting of my money. Within the week I will come up with a frugal budget for myself.
Yoga was refreshing and now I feel relaxed and peaceful. I would like to go again in the future.
My goal right now is to put together a 100-win streak. It's a lot, but I think I can do it.
Record: 57-2
Streak: Won 1
Summary: I came back strong today. I was able to get into a great state of mind during my morning pages, my "toilette" was efficient and even invigorating, I kicked ass at work in the morning, made myself a nice cappuccino, did my French, went over to AACC and got into their system and registered for my two architecture classes in the spring, came back finished up at work, then I went to yoga for an hour, which was great, and after this I'm going to take care of some admin and put in my 45 minutes of AW. Yesterday, even though I had a loss, I still accomplished some important shit. Eva opened her own bank account, so now I have complete control over the budgeting of my money. Within the week I will come up with a frugal budget for myself.
Yoga was refreshing and now I feel relaxed and peaceful. I would like to go again in the future.
My goal right now is to put together a 100-win streak. It's a lot, but I think I can do it.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Outcome: "Loss"
Record: 56-2
Streak: Lost 1
Summary: Already I'm calling this one a loss. Last night I barely achieved a "win". Up until when I posted, I was right on the line. Let's say the cutoff was "80%" or something--I was 80%. Then I said I would need to be on-point for the rest of the night. Let's say the cutoff for "on-point" was "90%"--I was 90%. So basically leading into today, I was technically willing to give myself the win, but without the satisfaction of it being definitive, or strong. Then this morning I just acted like an asshole. I lost my serenity, I overindulged in some food, and I only did 2/3rds of my morning pages. I'm pissed at myself. I need to get back into my good schedule. I'm not giving up for today, and I'll still try to do something good, but this one is going down as a loss.
Record: 56-2
Streak: Lost 1
Summary: Already I'm calling this one a loss. Last night I barely achieved a "win". Up until when I posted, I was right on the line. Let's say the cutoff was "80%" or something--I was 80%. Then I said I would need to be on-point for the rest of the night. Let's say the cutoff for "on-point" was "90%"--I was 90%. So basically leading into today, I was technically willing to give myself the win, but without the satisfaction of it being definitive, or strong. Then this morning I just acted like an asshole. I lost my serenity, I overindulged in some food, and I only did 2/3rds of my morning pages. I'm pissed at myself. I need to get back into my good schedule. I'm not giving up for today, and I'll still try to do something good, but this one is going down as a loss.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Outcome: "Win, pending"
Record: 56-1
Streak: Won 18
Summary: Pending because I need to execute with discipline for the remainder of the night. It was rough getting back into my routine. It really makes me sad to leave Philadelphia. I'll be there soon.
I got back to eating healthy, getting up early, doing my morning pages (not that I didn't do them on break because I did), French for 15 minutes, accumulating about an hour and 45 minutes overtime, doing grocery shopping, and now I want to put in 45 minutes on AW and take care of some administrative crap. This sucks man, seriously, it's so depressing going back to this. I just read Williams Penn's prayer for Philadelphia, which I believe I've read before on a plaque on city hall. Good stuff. I'm going to do everything I can in my lifetime to preserve and cultivate our city's virtues.
Record: 56-1
Streak: Won 18
Summary: Pending because I need to execute with discipline for the remainder of the night. It was rough getting back into my routine. It really makes me sad to leave Philadelphia. I'll be there soon.
I got back to eating healthy, getting up early, doing my morning pages (not that I didn't do them on break because I did), French for 15 minutes, accumulating about an hour and 45 minutes overtime, doing grocery shopping, and now I want to put in 45 minutes on AW and take care of some administrative crap. This sucks man, seriously, it's so depressing going back to this. I just read Williams Penn's prayer for Philadelphia, which I believe I've read before on a plaque on city hall. Good stuff. I'm going to do everything I can in my lifetime to preserve and cultivate our city's virtues.
Outcome for Sat and Sun: "Win"
Record: 55-1
Streak: Won 17
Summary: Had fun.
Week in review: This will need to be short because I have to go to bed. Last week was good, and it set me up nicely for the immediate future, both in terms of confirming my values and also giving me a much needed rest. Next week I want to follow my will very near to perfect.
Record: 55-1
Streak: Won 17
Summary: Had fun.
Week in review: This will need to be short because I have to go to bed. Last week was good, and it set me up nicely for the immediate future, both in terms of confirming my values and also giving me a much needed rest. Next week I want to follow my will very near to perfect.
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