Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I don't know what made me think of this, but I had an experience at a Wawa that would probably make Philly natives want to puke. So here's the story:
I went in and ordered a standard cheese hoagie: american, provolone, LTO, oil, oregano, sweet peppers, a bit of salt, and a very light amount of mayo. (All right, I know mayo is a point of debate, with most people probably saying it shouldn't be on there, but that's completely beside the point). Anyway, I went out to the car to eat it, and when I opened it up, the sandwich was a horror to behold. Not only was there just one type of cheese on there--american--but there were four of those fucking triangles on the bottom, Subway style. I almost hurled it down like Dan at Sarcones. I went back in, trying to stay calm, and I showed the person at the deli. She could barely speak English, so that made it difficult (either that or she was really tired). Then, she told me, "I gave you twice the amount of american which meant that I couldn't give you any provolone." I stopped being able to speak English for a second because I couldn't fucking believe what I was being told. After collecting my thoughts, I showed her my ticket and said that, #1, I ordered american and provolone, and paid for american and provolone, so both cheeses better be on my hoagie, and #2, if Wawa has changed its policies so that now they only put on a Subway quantity of cheese, I want a refund and I'm leaving. After I said that, she actually started getting surly. She mumbled something unintelligible, and finally she slapped down two pieces of provolone haphazardly on top of the sandwich. I should have made her reconstruct the whole sandwich with me watching, but I feel bad about wasting food, so I just settled for some added slices on the top.
Anyway, that was my latest Wawa story.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

All right, forget about that shit, I'm going back to a win/loss system. I know it's ghetto, but it was effective in its own way. To review, a win means: generally good ethics, good discipline and following my plan, completing my work. Just following my plans and principles.

Monday, March 19, 2007

I'm going to roll old school like the cave man that I am.