Saturday, October 07, 2006

Result: Win
Record: 6-0
Streak: 6

Summary: Within the system that I'm currently using for myself, Saturday's are a day to accomplish domestic tasks during the first half and to read and relax during the second half. So far, and unless something crazy happens,mission accomplished. Eva and I planned the week's meals, went grocery shopping, I did dishes, cleaned, straightened up, and since about 4 I've been reading. I'll continue reading until Eva gets home.
I fuckin love reading. I can't even put it into words. No doubt that ducats have tremendous liberating value, as Derek points out. If I had enough ducats that I didn't have to work, my daily activity, aside from domestic things, would be reading and thinking. My task, from now until I die, would be to find truth. That might mean math, or physics, or cognative science, or linguistics, or literature, or whatever, but I would read and think all day, just for it's own sake. I guess I'd also seek out and admire beauty for its own sake as well. Damn--fine wine and Debussy, then inspiration from Emerson, and then contemplating the core of formal systems with Godel, picking up the latest physics journals, and then falling asleep reading some great literature. I can only imagine. Right now, back to Hebrew Thought Compared With Greek.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Outcome: Win
Record: 5-0
Streak: 5

Summary: Today was a big win. Like I said, I already put in most of my week's hours prior to today, so I basically didn't have work. Instead I advanced my projects. I put in a huge amount of time working on project x. For my novel, I did write some, but I spent more time looking into possible grants and publishing avenues. I also spent time organizing my personal stuff, including credit card, budget, and looking into getting a new printer. I was frugal by eating at home all day and utilizing leftovers. That saved 10$ right there.
Throughout my day I experienced a full cycle of emotions--excitment, nervousness, optimism, despair, intimidation, and confidence to name a few. What pleased me was that while I was experiencing the good emotions I still paced myself to avoid burning out, and while I was experiencing the bad emotions I reflected on philosophical principles to get me though it as well as making my will like iron, basically just doing it and saying fuck-me, I don't care about my bad feelings right now.
Today served to collect my thoughts and focus my goals. It was a good "overall picture" day. I'm coming out feeling good, when I know that last year this same day would have ended in me feeling like a piece of shit and buying cokes and gummy worms at the corner store.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Result: Win
Record: 4-0
Streak: 4

Summary: Woke up well, biked, put in an honest effort at work, read Philly mag for 15 minutes, went through the chapter 4 French dialogue once with the audio, broke ground on a new project that shall remain unnamed and undescribed until it is completed (spent 3 hours total on that), biked home, cleaned, made dinner, and now I'm going to read and go to bed.
I have come to believe that if a person is happy and lives an ethical life, that counts for a lot. That counts for almost everything. Our webring of blogs here seems to encourage improvement and ambition, which are good and exciting, but they're garbage if lacking either ethics or happiness. Well, the happiness thing is more complex, I believe. That depends on how you're looking at the question. I'll save that for another time. But mainly I'm trying to say that looking at a person who is happy and ethical is looking at a person who is doing all right.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Result: Win
Record: 3-0
Streak: 3
Summary: I'm storing up a bank of time this week at work. Even if I don't work overtime tomorrow, I'll still be leaving at 9:30 on Friday. That basically leaves me with a whole day to accomplish stuff. SO in a way, my wins are contingent on how I spend the extra time. I'm confident though, and I'm not going to withhold giving myself the win because of that. Other than working a ton, I had a good wake up, healthy food, exercise, read Philadelphia magazine for 15 minutes, finished studying the dialogue in section 4 of the French, worked on my budget, and now I'm going to help with dinner, clean, and possibly read.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Outcome: Win
Record: 2-0
Streak: 2

Day in Review: First of all, hell yeah Dan for getting back in, and hell yeah Eagles for getting theit shit together and playing like they should be playing. I had a crisp start to my day, even though I went to bed late because of the game, I worked my full day at worked, biked, wrote one letter and one e-mail, worked through the beginning of lesson 4 in my Advanced French course, read Philadelphia magazine for 15 minutes, backed up data in preparation for a full factory restore on my computer, took out the trash, cleaned, and logged an hour and a half overtime at work, which taken together with yesterday's hour and a half, means I basically get half a day off to accomplish shit on Friday.

Monday, October 02, 2006

I'm going to adopt a slightly different scheme. First, I'm going to do daily, weekly, monthly, and perhaps yearly summaries; second, I'm going to do something analogous to a win-loss statistic--each day I excel and live virtuously at the level of, say, a 4 or a 5 under the old system, I'll give myself a "win", if not I get a "loss"; finally, I'm going to keep streak counts, similar to the "day count", which just keeps track of how many solid days, or "wins", I've had in a row.

Today: Win
Daily Summary: I was able to be flexible enough to take care of some unusual stuff and still to be able to finish what I had to take care of. I worked an hour and a half overtime at work, so that's an hour and a half I'll use for writing or pursuing other things. I ate healthfully today, biked to and from work, and when I get home I'm going to cook dinner for the house. After dinner it's Eagles o'clock.
Record: 1-0
Streak: 1
(I just barely didn't achieve a "4" yesterday. I don't have time to get into it--it was kind of shameful, nothing major. I was tempted to count it as a day lived well, but I didn't want to because I want to maintain high standards for myself).