Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Outcome: Win
Record: 6-1
Streak: Won 3

Summary: Bad wake up, which I must figure out, but then it was good. Wrote a letter, took care of a logistical issue, drafted an e-mail, worked on the domain, studied GRE for an hour, worked on my novel or an hour, sketched for an hour, and ran some errands to get sketching supplies.
I think my sleeping situation is such that bad wake ups are going to be common. If I keep having days like today, where everything but my wake up is good, I can live with that.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Outcome: Win
Record: 5-1
Streak: Won 2

Summary: Today was solid, although my behaviour is still a bit sloppy (the opposite of crisp and deliberate). I've had moments of both high anxiety and pleasant, meditative tranquility. Of course I'm striving to cultivate the latter.
I worked on the domain name, put in 15 minutes of extra time at work, finished section 3 of French, did a calesthenics exercise like the old days, did my laundry, studied for the GRE, and looked at the next assignment in my sketching tutorial.
When I woke up I felt like a mountain of assholes. I don't know what's up. Maybe I'm just not sleeping well in my new environment. Oh well, it's very temporary.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Outcome for 5/20: Loss
Outcome for 5/21: Win
Record: 4-1
Streak: Won 1

Summary: It's all good if I relax on my days off--that's the point--but there is a limit to how sloppy I want to allow myself to be. Yesterday was over the line in several ways. It's not really that significant in the larger picture.
Today was great, except or the fact that I woke up 20 minutes late. It's really true that a bad morning can cast a shadow over the rest of the day. I persevered though, and it was good in the end. I decided that at this point, my fitness goals have more to do with body sculpting rather than body weight. My weight is at least decent--maybe it could go down. But I'm not weighing myself anymore. I did the second part of the dialogues plus the audio part of the grammar for my current section. I wrote a career oriented letter, worked on the domain name for a bit, began writing a second letter, worked on my summer budget, picked up the GRE book, studied the sketching tutorial for 1/2 hour, and worked on my book for an hour. After this I plan to read until bed time.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Outcome for 5/19: Win

Record: 3-0

Streak: Won 3

Summary: I'm too hard on myself sometimes. I need to remember that I'm on vacation, for the purpose of relaxing and recharging, not to work. That said, I still had a decent day. I got up, worked out, called some people, went on a walk, read a bit (yes, finally I did some reading!), slept for several hours, read some more, finished Marius, read, played chess, and I think I'll play Madden until I go to bed. I thought about giving myself a loss since I decided to play Madden instead of continuing to read, but that's ridiculous.