Outcome: "Win"
Record: 13-0
Streak: 13
Summary: The first half of my day was perfect. I got up leisurely, ate a nice breakfast with coffee, hung out with Eva, showered, and then we did all of our shopping in an hour and half, including shitty driving and parking time. I love that I only drive once a week. After than we unpacked the stuff, I cleaned the bathroom, I did some dishes, and then I put in a solid hour on the novel, using my new strategy of short but numerous time bursts to work on it. It went well, and from here on out I'm chilling, hoping to finish a ton of reading, and later I'll watch a movie with Eva.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
Outcome: "Win"
Record: 12-0
Streak: 12
Summary: Today was an all around solid day. There was a short stretch of time in the morning when I started to panic, like I sensed that the day was heading toward disaster. At the time I recognized my emotions as irrational, and I actually cured it by going over all the things I was going to do today in my head and drinking a cup of coffee. It worked.
I did all the normal stuff, plus worked 4 or 5 hours overtime for the week (which amounts to basically a full day of normal pay), did a few errands, and then in the evening I completed a big step in project x and wrote for about an hour and a half.
I had a thought while I was writing tonight. I noticed that the law of diminishing returns is especially true for me when it comes to writing, I'm not sure why. Maybe because it's so demanding. But in any event, I lose steam quickly, and I get to the point where I'm basically writing horse shit if I force myself to continue. I remedy this in a variety of ways--sometimes I switch to revision tasks, sometimes I work on project x for a while, and sometimes I take a short break. They all seem to work, but even once I start up again, the amount of recharge that I get keeps getting smaller and smaller compared to what I had at the beginning. Then I imagined a scenario that might be ideal for me in the future. Perhaps I can work during the day in green architecture, or sustainable development--something environmental and technical. Say I get off at 4:30, then I can do some intense yet fun workout for an hour, something like Parkour or even skateboarding. Then from 5:30 to 6:30 I could go to a library or my study and work on an original contribution to the humanities--an essay, literature, or philosophical writing. Maybe this could be profitable financially, maybe not, but that wouldn't be the point. I'd do it every day (Mon-Sat, let's say), so I'd end up putting in a fair amount of time by the end of the week, but I'd divide it into managable time chunks. Having that in my life perpetually would be deeply fulfilling and would provide a refreshing counterpoint to my professional life. At 6:30 I could start dinner, and then for the rest of the day it would be eating, relaxing, chatting, listening to music, reading, cleaning, and... Anyway, that was a vision I had that appealed to me.
Record: 12-0
Streak: 12
Summary: Today was an all around solid day. There was a short stretch of time in the morning when I started to panic, like I sensed that the day was heading toward disaster. At the time I recognized my emotions as irrational, and I actually cured it by going over all the things I was going to do today in my head and drinking a cup of coffee. It worked.
I did all the normal stuff, plus worked 4 or 5 hours overtime for the week (which amounts to basically a full day of normal pay), did a few errands, and then in the evening I completed a big step in project x and wrote for about an hour and a half.
I had a thought while I was writing tonight. I noticed that the law of diminishing returns is especially true for me when it comes to writing, I'm not sure why. Maybe because it's so demanding. But in any event, I lose steam quickly, and I get to the point where I'm basically writing horse shit if I force myself to continue. I remedy this in a variety of ways--sometimes I switch to revision tasks, sometimes I work on project x for a while, and sometimes I take a short break. They all seem to work, but even once I start up again, the amount of recharge that I get keeps getting smaller and smaller compared to what I had at the beginning. Then I imagined a scenario that might be ideal for me in the future. Perhaps I can work during the day in green architecture, or sustainable development--something environmental and technical. Say I get off at 4:30, then I can do some intense yet fun workout for an hour, something like Parkour or even skateboarding. Then from 5:30 to 6:30 I could go to a library or my study and work on an original contribution to the humanities--an essay, literature, or philosophical writing. Maybe this could be profitable financially, maybe not, but that wouldn't be the point. I'd do it every day (Mon-Sat, let's say), so I'd end up putting in a fair amount of time by the end of the week, but I'd divide it into managable time chunks. Having that in my life perpetually would be deeply fulfilling and would provide a refreshing counterpoint to my professional life. At 6:30 I could start dinner, and then for the rest of the day it would be eating, relaxing, chatting, listening to music, reading, cleaning, and... Anyway, that was a vision I had that appealed to me.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Outcome: "Win"
Record: 11-0
Streak: 11
Summary: I think I have surpassed my all time high streak. Things were easier today than yesterday, by far. I didn't fight myself, I conserved energy, and I even enjoyed some of my tasks. All the normal stuff + finishing lesson 4 in French, reading 15 minutes of Philly mag, huge step forward on project x, and after this I'm going to read and possibly clean a bit. I'm proud of myself for limiting my delicious cupcake intake to one per day, even though there's a clutch of them sitting on the kitchen island looking at me with seductive eyes everything I walk by.
Record: 11-0
Streak: 11
Summary: I think I have surpassed my all time high streak. Things were easier today than yesterday, by far. I didn't fight myself, I conserved energy, and I even enjoyed some of my tasks. All the normal stuff + finishing lesson 4 in French, reading 15 minutes of Philly mag, huge step forward on project x, and after this I'm going to read and possibly clean a bit. I'm proud of myself for limiting my delicious cupcake intake to one per day, even though there's a clutch of them sitting on the kitchen island looking at me with seductive eyes everything I walk by.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Outcome: "Win"
Record: 10-0
Streak: 10
Summary: I burned some energy today stressing, which is never good, but ultimately I prevailed. It was a close one, mainly because circumstances kept arising that were obstructing or complicating my plans. I was basically in a 4th and long situation at one point, and I connected on a 50 yard pass to my better half, who made a leaping catch, stumbled, almost fell, regained his balance, juked past the defender, and ran with the ball straight into the endzone! (It's Eagles season, and while I think spectator sports have, in some ways, evolved into a grotesque form, I still love watching the Eagles and sometimes I even draw inspiration from it). I exhibited enough patience and flexibility to triumph, and now I'm ready to sleep and tackle my projects again tomorrow.
Record: 10-0
Streak: 10
Summary: I burned some energy today stressing, which is never good, but ultimately I prevailed. It was a close one, mainly because circumstances kept arising that were obstructing or complicating my plans. I was basically in a 4th and long situation at one point, and I connected on a 50 yard pass to my better half, who made a leaping catch, stumbled, almost fell, regained his balance, juked past the defender, and ran with the ball straight into the endzone! (It's Eagles season, and while I think spectator sports have, in some ways, evolved into a grotesque form, I still love watching the Eagles and sometimes I even draw inspiration from it). I exhibited enough patience and flexibility to triumph, and now I'm ready to sleep and tackle my projects again tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Outcome: "Win"
Record: 9-0
Streak: 9
Summary: I think my all time high streak was around 14, or maybe it was 10, but anyway, I'm getting up there. Today I started healthy, worked with two hours and 15 minutes overtime to save up strategic flex-time for Friday to use on project x, worked on project x for 45 minutes, finished the grammer in lesson 4 of French and started doing the exercises, read Philly mag for 15 minutes, did some laundry, some bills, administrative stuff, right now I'm listening to a new cd with Gershwin and Ravel on it, and in a bit I'll help clean up from dinner and read.
One thing that was awesome today was that I rebounded from a potentially catastrophic state of mind. Because of the ridiculously warm weather today, I started freaking out about global warming, then I thought about N. Korea and nukes, then I basically imagined armageddon and the scenes from the opening of Terminator 2. What made it worse was that I was taping fucking boxes when I wanted to be building a shelter and hoarding great books. But then I managed to control my anxiety attack, and while I don't think that the problems I was considering are insignificant, but if there's anything that can be done, it won't get done in that state of mind. I managed to become rational again.
Here's a hugely successful strategy that I've probably already talked about but had the occasion to revisit today: at least for me, sometimes I do things because I'm more comfortable with a certain way, or because doing things that certain way way appeals to me aesthetically. Here's an example: I've arranged my schedule so that each day I have about an hour and half in the middle of the day to work on my projects, plus an hour to an hour and a half at the library after work. I like this schedule because it works. Then today I realized that another Friday completely off would be very strategic for me, but that if I continued at my current rate, I wouldn't work the hours for that (since I was following my normal schedule). I decided to be flexible and change my schedule just for this week because the objective result would be better--I'm allowing myself a minimal amount of project time prior to Friday so that I can work overtime and get off that day which allows me more project-completing power than I could have had in individual time chunks. There's intertia that I have against adjustments like that, but it's essentially emotional and/or aesthetic. Sometimes I feel like I want one system/schedule to comprehend every situation and then work as hard as I can to stick with that schedule. But it's important to keep thinking and focusing on the result and what will get the best result given the particular circumstances and project. I guess this is just basically being flexible, but to me it's super important yet very difficult to incorporate.
Record: 9-0
Streak: 9
Summary: I think my all time high streak was around 14, or maybe it was 10, but anyway, I'm getting up there. Today I started healthy, worked with two hours and 15 minutes overtime to save up strategic flex-time for Friday to use on project x, worked on project x for 45 minutes, finished the grammer in lesson 4 of French and started doing the exercises, read Philly mag for 15 minutes, did some laundry, some bills, administrative stuff, right now I'm listening to a new cd with Gershwin and Ravel on it, and in a bit I'll help clean up from dinner and read.
One thing that was awesome today was that I rebounded from a potentially catastrophic state of mind. Because of the ridiculously warm weather today, I started freaking out about global warming, then I thought about N. Korea and nukes, then I basically imagined armageddon and the scenes from the opening of Terminator 2. What made it worse was that I was taping fucking boxes when I wanted to be building a shelter and hoarding great books. But then I managed to control my anxiety attack, and while I don't think that the problems I was considering are insignificant, but if there's anything that can be done, it won't get done in that state of mind. I managed to become rational again.
Here's a hugely successful strategy that I've probably already talked about but had the occasion to revisit today: at least for me, sometimes I do things because I'm more comfortable with a certain way, or because doing things that certain way way appeals to me aesthetically. Here's an example: I've arranged my schedule so that each day I have about an hour and half in the middle of the day to work on my projects, plus an hour to an hour and a half at the library after work. I like this schedule because it works. Then today I realized that another Friday completely off would be very strategic for me, but that if I continued at my current rate, I wouldn't work the hours for that (since I was following my normal schedule). I decided to be flexible and change my schedule just for this week because the objective result would be better--I'm allowing myself a minimal amount of project time prior to Friday so that I can work overtime and get off that day which allows me more project-completing power than I could have had in individual time chunks. There's intertia that I have against adjustments like that, but it's essentially emotional and/or aesthetic. Sometimes I feel like I want one system/schedule to comprehend every situation and then work as hard as I can to stick with that schedule. But it's important to keep thinking and focusing on the result and what will get the best result given the particular circumstances and project. I guess this is just basically being flexible, but to me it's super important yet very difficult to incorporate.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Outcome: "Win"
Record: 8-0
Streak: 8
Summary: Quick one, because I want to read: good wake up, healthy breakfast, biked, worked, worked on project x, worked on 2nd draft restructuring, biked, made dinner, cleaned, took care of paper work, now I'm going to perform my nightly toilette, read, and go to bed.
Record: 8-0
Streak: 8
Summary: Quick one, because I want to read: good wake up, healthy breakfast, biked, worked, worked on project x, worked on 2nd draft restructuring, biked, made dinner, cleaned, took care of paper work, now I'm going to perform my nightly toilette, read, and go to bed.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Outcome: "Win"
Record: 7-0
Streak: 7
Summary: A win, like the Eagles. I'm glad finally to make it 7 straight days for the first time this year. Sunday's are for relaxing, but I also need to observe my principles of ethics, which has tripped me up before. Today I stayed strong: I woke up leisurely, cooked a nice breakfast for Eva and I, and then I went for a bike ride in the park. This is when things got crazy. I got a flat in basically the deepest part of the park, and I didn't have the gear to fix it. It was 3:30 at the time, and the Eagles were kicking off around 4:15. I basically dropped the bike and sprinted, Lito Sheppard style, about 5 miles back to downtown so I could watch the game. During the game I ate moderately, and afterward I was focused on the tasks I needed to accomplish in order to go to bed: I retrieved my bike, fixed the tire, cooked lunch for next week, cleaned up a bit, performed my dental hygiene, and now I'm writing this.
Summary for the Week: I worked a full week, made a budget for Eva and I by which we'll have a comfortable amount of saved ducats by the time of our Philly move, invested a ton of time into project x, wrote some, cleared my head and focused my goals, read about 50 pages in Hebrew Thought Compared With Greek, got half way through section 4 of my French program, performed all of my domestic tasks faithfully and with the proper respect, ate healthfully, was moderate in general, exhibited good hygiene, and rested myself well this weekend.
I should say that I'm nearly done with my weight loss goal. At the height of my fattness, I think I was around 210. Right now I'm 180 or 181. My original goal was to get to 180, but now I realize that it's not so much about a number but about getting a body form that looks healthy to me. I still need to loose some weight (I mean shit, I'm not that tall). I keep losing pounds every week, so I'll get there soon.
Things I need to work on: I still need to improve my control over my mental state and my impulses. I feel like the worst level is just being controlled by emotions and impulses. The middle level, where I am right now, is where your emotions and impulses are out of control, but you force yourself to obey your better judgment. I feel like the best situation, like Aristotle says, is to have a calm mind that is habituated to love virtuous things and be in harmony with your good judgment. That way you're not battling with yourself, and you can spend that energy kicking ass.
I need to work on maintaining a more clear conception of what I'm doing and what I'm striving towards. I've been pretty good on this, but I could do better.
In general, I'm happy with what I did this past week. I wasn't even trying to inflate my scores or bend my standards because I wanted a 7-0--I really fought hard this week to do things the right way, and it worked out.
Actually, I think I could read more-- that was deficient this week. Still, I've got less than 100 pages left on my book.
Next week I want to make significant progress on project x, if not complete it. I want to maintain a good mindset; I want to maximize my work time, and thoroughly turn off and enjoy my leisure time. I want to read more. I'd like to finish my restructuring for my second draft of the novel. I'd also like to break 180 pounds, get down into the 170s.
Record: 7-0
Streak: 7
Summary: A win, like the Eagles. I'm glad finally to make it 7 straight days for the first time this year. Sunday's are for relaxing, but I also need to observe my principles of ethics, which has tripped me up before. Today I stayed strong: I woke up leisurely, cooked a nice breakfast for Eva and I, and then I went for a bike ride in the park. This is when things got crazy. I got a flat in basically the deepest part of the park, and I didn't have the gear to fix it. It was 3:30 at the time, and the Eagles were kicking off around 4:15. I basically dropped the bike and sprinted, Lito Sheppard style, about 5 miles back to downtown so I could watch the game. During the game I ate moderately, and afterward I was focused on the tasks I needed to accomplish in order to go to bed: I retrieved my bike, fixed the tire, cooked lunch for next week, cleaned up a bit, performed my dental hygiene, and now I'm writing this.
Summary for the Week: I worked a full week, made a budget for Eva and I by which we'll have a comfortable amount of saved ducats by the time of our Philly move, invested a ton of time into project x, wrote some, cleared my head and focused my goals, read about 50 pages in Hebrew Thought Compared With Greek, got half way through section 4 of my French program, performed all of my domestic tasks faithfully and with the proper respect, ate healthfully, was moderate in general, exhibited good hygiene, and rested myself well this weekend.
I should say that I'm nearly done with my weight loss goal. At the height of my fattness, I think I was around 210. Right now I'm 180 or 181. My original goal was to get to 180, but now I realize that it's not so much about a number but about getting a body form that looks healthy to me. I still need to loose some weight (I mean shit, I'm not that tall). I keep losing pounds every week, so I'll get there soon.
Things I need to work on: I still need to improve my control over my mental state and my impulses. I feel like the worst level is just being controlled by emotions and impulses. The middle level, where I am right now, is where your emotions and impulses are out of control, but you force yourself to obey your better judgment. I feel like the best situation, like Aristotle says, is to have a calm mind that is habituated to love virtuous things and be in harmony with your good judgment. That way you're not battling with yourself, and you can spend that energy kicking ass.
I need to work on maintaining a more clear conception of what I'm doing and what I'm striving towards. I've been pretty good on this, but I could do better.
In general, I'm happy with what I did this past week. I wasn't even trying to inflate my scores or bend my standards because I wanted a 7-0--I really fought hard this week to do things the right way, and it worked out.
Actually, I think I could read more-- that was deficient this week. Still, I've got less than 100 pages left on my book.
Next week I want to make significant progress on project x, if not complete it. I want to maintain a good mindset; I want to maximize my work time, and thoroughly turn off and enjoy my leisure time. I want to read more. I'd like to finish my restructuring for my second draft of the novel. I'd also like to break 180 pounds, get down into the 170s.
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