Friday, October 13, 2006

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 12-0
Streak: 12

Summary: Today was an all around solid day. There was a short stretch of time in the morning when I started to panic, like I sensed that the day was heading toward disaster. At the time I recognized my emotions as irrational, and I actually cured it by going over all the things I was going to do today in my head and drinking a cup of coffee. It worked.
I did all the normal stuff, plus worked 4 or 5 hours overtime for the week (which amounts to basically a full day of normal pay), did a few errands, and then in the evening I completed a big step in project x and wrote for about an hour and a half.
I had a thought while I was writing tonight. I noticed that the law of diminishing returns is especially true for me when it comes to writing, I'm not sure why. Maybe because it's so demanding. But in any event, I lose steam quickly, and I get to the point where I'm basically writing horse shit if I force myself to continue. I remedy this in a variety of ways--sometimes I switch to revision tasks, sometimes I work on project x for a while, and sometimes I take a short break. They all seem to work, but even once I start up again, the amount of recharge that I get keeps getting smaller and smaller compared to what I had at the beginning. Then I imagined a scenario that might be ideal for me in the future. Perhaps I can work during the day in green architecture, or sustainable development--something environmental and technical. Say I get off at 4:30, then I can do some intense yet fun workout for an hour, something like Parkour or even skateboarding. Then from 5:30 to 6:30 I could go to a library or my study and work on an original contribution to the humanities--an essay, literature, or philosophical writing. Maybe this could be profitable financially, maybe not, but that wouldn't be the point. I'd do it every day (Mon-Sat, let's say), so I'd end up putting in a fair amount of time by the end of the week, but I'd divide it into managable time chunks. Having that in my life perpetually would be deeply fulfilling and would provide a refreshing counterpoint to my professional life. At 6:30 I could start dinner, and then for the rest of the day it would be eating, relaxing, chatting, listening to music, reading, cleaning, and... Anyway, that was a vision I had that appealed to me.

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