Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 9-0
Streak: 9

Summary: I think my all time high streak was around 14, or maybe it was 10, but anyway, I'm getting up there. Today I started healthy, worked with two hours and 15 minutes overtime to save up strategic flex-time for Friday to use on project x, worked on project x for 45 minutes, finished the grammer in lesson 4 of French and started doing the exercises, read Philly mag for 15 minutes, did some laundry, some bills, administrative stuff, right now I'm listening to a new cd with Gershwin and Ravel on it, and in a bit I'll help clean up from dinner and read.
One thing that was awesome today was that I rebounded from a potentially catastrophic state of mind. Because of the ridiculously warm weather today, I started freaking out about global warming, then I thought about N. Korea and nukes, then I basically imagined armageddon and the scenes from the opening of Terminator 2. What made it worse was that I was taping fucking boxes when I wanted to be building a shelter and hoarding great books. But then I managed to control my anxiety attack, and while I don't think that the problems I was considering are insignificant, but if there's anything that can be done, it won't get done in that state of mind. I managed to become rational again.
Here's a hugely successful strategy that I've probably already talked about but had the occasion to revisit today: at least for me, sometimes I do things because I'm more comfortable with a certain way, or because doing things that certain way way appeals to me aesthetically. Here's an example: I've arranged my schedule so that each day I have about an hour and half in the middle of the day to work on my projects, plus an hour to an hour and a half at the library after work. I like this schedule because it works. Then today I realized that another Friday completely off would be very strategic for me, but that if I continued at my current rate, I wouldn't work the hours for that (since I was following my normal schedule). I decided to be flexible and change my schedule just for this week because the objective result would be better--I'm allowing myself a minimal amount of project time prior to Friday so that I can work overtime and get off that day which allows me more project-completing power than I could have had in individual time chunks. There's intertia that I have against adjustments like that, but it's essentially emotional and/or aesthetic. Sometimes I feel like I want one system/schedule to comprehend every situation and then work as hard as I can to stick with that schedule. But it's important to keep thinking and focusing on the result and what will get the best result given the particular circumstances and project. I guess this is just basically being flexible, but to me it's super important yet very difficult to incorporate.

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