Friday, September 23, 2005

Rating for 9/22: 3

Dan, it's good to see that things are looking more optimistic. As for myself, rating yesterday is tricky. I got up, ate a decent breakfast, rode to work, did my job well, rode home, immediately started making dinner the house (With Honors style), ate dinner, skated for exactly an hour, came back in to do the dishes, and then...I fell asleep. I totally passed out without meaning to. This happened around 8 pm. I fell alseep face down, fully clothed and with my shoes still on, with my arms and legs spread out like a flying squirrel. I guess I was just exhausted. I slept until 11:30 this morning, so all together, my body forced me to sleep 15 1/2 hours. Do I deserve a three, especially since I feel like I had no control over what happened? I don't know, it's not that important. I'll err on the side of being conservative, so as not to devalue high-scores in the system.
With regard to my general, daily activities, I decided to try a strategy that I've heard suggested by others. Every day I want to force myself to spend some amount of time, for example, 15 minutes minimum, on my projects. The reason I want to do this is because when I think about my personal endeavors, such as writing my novel or working on the computer program, their enormity can easily intimidate me and put me into an aggitated state. I want to combat that tendency by doing a little bit each day. Recently I've gotten into the habit of only working on those things when I have a huge chunk of time set aside with no distractions. Most days, however, I only have one or two hours, at the end of a tiring day to work on them. Consequently, it's easy for me just delay working on them until I have a day off, during which I can spend the whole day working on them. This has resulted in me wasting an hour or two everyday, that if they were to be added up, would probably constitute several days of lost work. This could also easily boost my scores by a point every day (of course, on a day like yesterday, which admittedly has been uncommon, there's nothing I can do to improve my score).

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