Saturday, June 10, 2006

Access to the internet has been sporadic, so my posts will probably be infrequent. Eva and I left for Canada a week and a half ago, and our car seemed to endure the trip without any problems. Right now we`re not even in a town, per se, but if I wrote a letter from here I would mark it as sent from St. Jean-de-la-Lande, Beauce. The nearest settlement of any considerable size is St. Georges, which is actually where I am right now (in the library). On the farm we`ve been planting all sorts of vegetables as well as weeding. The work is simple and repetative, but it`s also relaxing in an unexpected way. The area is beautiful--we`re up in the Canadian Appalachains. Other than working on the farm, I`ve been practicing French, reading and discussing Marcus Aurelius`s Meditations with Eva, and putting in at least a half hour a day on my book. Dan--I think you would enjoy parts of the Meditations, although there are also parts where he writes about a kind of metaphysics that I`m guessing you would think is stupid. It would be an easy book to browse in a bookstore since it`s divided into small sections. One of the best things about being here is that we`re living an extremely healthy lifestyle. We eat at home for all of our meals (no eating out), and 95% of what we make is from home-grown vegetables. Basically we`ve been eating whole wheat bread, salad, rice, water, etc. Ok, it`s time to leave. Salut.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to read some Marcus Aurelius, and I'll get around to it. First I have several other books to read. The next of the 'Great Books' I'll be reading is Lives. And I surely won't finish it but come back to it from time to time while reading other books. I'll refrain from saying anything anymore unless I'm provoked. I'm a bit stubborn like Derek in that if I am forced to do something I will take to the contrary to its supposed value. When I read Lives and some others I'll form opinions, and provided that they are 'Great Books' I'll try to be more respective than stubborn. Demons I think was a good example, but we both read it at completely different times and we both forgot a lot of the significant material, unfortunately.