Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 107-7
Streak: Won 10

Summary: First of all, +1 raspberry mocha to Dan if he makes it until Friday. Second of all, Dan's posts are valued by me, and at times they give me inspiration, so to Dan: don't stop posting.
Tomorrow I'm going to make an adjustment. On Monday and Wednesday I have class. I need to leave here at 5. What I tried to do Monday was leave work at 3:45 so I could be home at 4, do AW stuff until 4:45 in order to fulfill my daily allotted time, eat for 15 minutes and then leave. There were several problems with that. #1: it puts me at a 15 minute time deficit at work which is a hassle, both practically and psychologically. #2: I am so flustered from running around in such a tight time space that I am not breathing deeply or just pacing myself in a healthy way, #3: it's too fast to eat. I got indigestion from doing it. #4: (and this is the most important one of all), when I got home from class, which is around 10, I still had to make my lunch, post, brush my teeth, and switch the contents of my bag. This meant that I didn't go to sleep until around 10:45. That's horrible, and I suffered from the consequences today. So instead, I'll leave work at 4, take care of lunch and posting between 4 and 5, eat my food at a slower pace, and to make up the AW time, since I won't get a chance to work on that Mondays and Wednesdays, I'll do 1 and a half hours on Thursday and Friday. The AW thing will soon cease to be an issue since I'll be done in two weeks. Also, next week is my last week in my French program and then I'm done. I weighed in at 172--I can see myself breaking 170 any day!

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