Sunday, January 07, 2007

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 92-6
Streak: Won 4

Summary: I got up late and watched a lot of football on my day-off. Go Eagles! I still observed my principles and set myself up nicely for next week. For the remainder of the evening I plan to read.
Je me suis leve tard et ai observe beaucoup du football americaine pendant mon jour de conge. Vont Les Aigles ! J'ai toujours observe mes principes et ai me prepare bien pour la semaine prochaine. Pour le reste du soir je planifie a lire.


Derek said...

Here's a little something from the game:

Anonymous said...

If someone ever says A I G L E S I'll have to smack the shit out of them. It is EAGLES, not AIGLES. Alex Trebeck makes an effort... You should have that photo of Dawkins air brushed onto your car.