Sunday, February 04, 2007

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 117-9
Streak: Won 4

Summary: Wrote my pages, made breakfast, read my final AW lesson, took a shower, made baklava, listened to a beautiful live rendition of Debussy's Prelude to the Afternoon of the Fawn on WRTI, went to a Super Bowl party, made my lunch, and now I'm going to bed.

Week in Review: These days, my schedule is pretty action packed. The fact that I'm staying above water and completing everything is an accomplishment that I'm proud of. That one morning when I got up and did my pages, even after giving myself an excused absence, was awesome. My level of attention and effort on the second half of Wednesday was also great. There were a few things that could be better. First of all, no fucking mochas this week--none. Even though I do allow myself some dessert in my diet, the mocha is off-limits. I need to get back into the habit of being hardcore about desserts at work. If I don't draw a line now, soon I'll be wolfing down the pastries and drinking all manner of crap, like I did last spring. I've been virtuous about this so far, and I'd like to continue that. The other thing is reading. It seems like that's the one thing that tends to get sacrificed at the end of the week because I'm so tired. That's not right--it's a critical part of my week, and I need to make sure it's happening.
Next week I'm going to start going back through my old French program as a review. I'm curious to see how long it will take. I'm guessing I can do it in about 4 weeks.
In other miscellaneous news, I'm psyched that I'll be getting back to the book on the week after next. It's crazy to think about doing that again. We'll see if the last 12 weeks were worth it.

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