Sunday, April 29, 2007

I hope to be consistent one day.
My post last night seems ridiculous to me now. It occurred to me that I basically know how to be effective--schedules, budgets, policies, etc. How to think about everything seems less important than what you actually do. There's a basic level of pure will, seriousness--the opposite of the carelessness that the Godfather talked about--that is required to do anything. There's no trick to this. To treat your protesting mind as if it requires an answer is to give it too much credit, and it undermines your efforts. Just say fuck you to this part of your mind and start working. The real work of strategy and the science of being effective is to know how much of each thing is proper, or when to set deadlines, or what your policies should be. Say, 1 dessert a day as opposed to 1 every other day.
So, I'm still going to keep track of my progress. But I won't worry about how I'm thinking about it, or anything like that. I'll just do it, and we'll see how effective I am. I'll list total number of pages read, number of lessons, pounds lost (or gained), etc. as I go along, and I'll tweak my system as it seems necessary.

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