Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It was great when I had my win/loss system: it motivated me to behave virtuously in order to keep up my win streaks, and it created a long-term way to notice trends and evaluate strategies. Also, for the reader, it's probably more engaging to follow a system that is used continuously over a long period of time, rather than one that lasts a day or so. In the interest of recreating this condition, I am trying once again to establish a meaningful, long running scoring system.
Each day I will award myself a score between -2 and +2, with the in-between values being -1, 0, and +1. The score reflects how much my actions on that day advanced my goals and were in line with my values. My values will undoubtedly evolve over time, but to start, I am imagining 6 broad categories: health, material stability (including financial status), honoring relationships, cultivating understanding/wisdom, happiness, and contribution to the world. This does not rate discipline in a vacuum, it is meant to describe concrete results toward achieving those ends. A zero is no movement, the negatives are regressions, and the positives are progressions. I will keep a running tally and perhaps state the total change for a given week, month, year, etc.
By the way--and this is totally a shot in the dark--I guessed that a significant improvement in my condition in life will correspond with approximately 700 points. Here's how I estimated that: a +2 means I had a really solid day--I stuck to my schedule, my schedule was well conceived, and I improvised and made adjustments as needed. Also, I worked hard when I worked and rested well when I rested. A full year of completely productive days would be 730 points. It makes sense to me that a full year of solid days, (every day being a 4 or 5 under the ancient system) would add up to a significant change. In a year I could easily write a whole book, complete a massive stack of books, get a major promotion, enter into a new program of study, save up a considerable sum, graduate from a certain level of study, etc. I mean, who knows about this, and different epochs will take more or less time, but I was just having fun thinking about how many points would be required to affect massive change.

Score for 8/28: +2
Total Score: 2

Summary: I wanted to start out strong. I followed my dietary principles of moderation and nutrition, studied French, organized some paperwork, did a Parkour warm-up followed by some trick attempts at Indian Lane, applied for another position (and heard back promptly--I got turned down), worked for 4 hours at my dad's shop, worked on the domain project for 30 minutes, started my Crest Whitening Strips, made a schedule for tomorrow, read a chapter of Anna K, ate dinner with my Mom, wrote to Eva, and now I'm going to try to do the second set of exercises in the Inspectional Reading section of HTRAB.

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