Sunday, May 11, 2008

Active Items Added to Task List: 1--"Photograph bureau and go to antique appraiser"
Items Removed From Task List: 3--"Dental floss for shop", "Call Dad to remind him...", "Call Mom-Mom about Bureau"
Active Items Remaining: 36

Summary: Had a lovely albeit rushed breakfast and then went in to teach my class. The session went well. It's a small class, which is nice in a way. Later I ran some errands, did laundry, started an e-mail to Nutter and the Streets Department about my volunteering idea, planned meals, made a shopping list for next week, went out to dinner at Tiffin for Mother's Day (which was lovely), went shopping, finished my e-mail, and later I'll watch the Wire with Eva and spend 30 minutes reading.

Plan for tomorrow: Tomorrow I want to make a budget, work on Kaplan, call the landlords about logistics, figure out my contribution to the SJC alumni fund and general fund drive, audit the Kaplan class, and otherwise live a normal healthy routine.

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