Sunday, May 18, 2008

Items Added to Task List: 1--"AAA Batteries"
Items Removed From Task List: 1--"Scouring Pads"
Active Items Remaining: 38
Items Added to Routines: 1--"Check Argentina Ticket Pricing"

Summary of Week: First of all, I had a complete week in terms of routine tasks. This means I worked out 6/7 days, read for at least 1/2 hour each day, kept on top of cooking and cleaning, did 1 lesson of French, worked all my hours, got good sleep, and practiced good hygiene. From now on, unless otherwise stated, the completion of those types of things will be assumed, and I'll only address them when there is a change in the program (for example, switching French programs).
In terms of advancement, the creation of the summer budget was the biggest event. This not only laid out guidelines governing the expenditure of money, but it also more or less laid out the program for the summer's activities. In other words, if I put something into the budget, that means it's concrete now and will be much more likely to happen. New York, Annapolis, Pittsburgh, and Argentina all went into the budget, and I made headway with all four in terms of logistical planning.
Other advancements included planning a night out with Mom at the orchestra in June and starting and nearly finishing Les Femmes Françaises Ne Grossissent Pas. I got a good start on I Claudius on audio book as well. I also chipped away at several long-standing items on my task list. I won't mention them all here, but I predict that I will eliminating items much more rapidly in the coming weeks.
In terms of effectiveness, I think the week was good overall. I'm just learning to trust my system, and it will take time to make it habitual. As always, anxiety is a major obstacle, but toward the end of the week this was much better as I came to trust the effectiveness of the system (and it was indeed effective!).

Plan for next week: Not only do I want to execute my program faithfully, or even calmly--I want to execute with vigor. I should seize the opportunity to work and strive for virtue, not drag myself through it.
In terms of specific advancement goals, I want to move ahead on the administrative work with MIT as much as I can. I want to develop my CV and send that out. Also, I want to begin getting information about the classes I can test out of and what books/resources I can use to study for that.
Aside from MIT, I want to get the ball rolling on the medical and dental stuff. I already started with the dental. Medical might not be possible until my new insurance takes effective, though that shouldn't be long now.
Finally, at the end of the week Eva and I are going up to New York, and I'm looking forward to making that as fun as possible.

Summary of the day: I taught my class (which went well), prepared for future classes for an hour, listened to my French lesson, planned my meals for next week, made plans for visiting a dentist, made an initial attempt at purchasing plane tickets for Argentina, read for 1/2 hour, went to Trader Joe's, and watched the Wire with Eva.

Plan for Tomorrow: In addition to normal activities, check up on Penn move out day, arrange second Philly Car Share reservation for orchestra night, call about health insurance, work through MIT admin materials as far as possible, and send CV for editing.

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