Thursday, February 08, 2007

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 120-10
Streak: Won 2

Summary: Morning pages, biked, worked, weighed in at 172, did 2 out of 40 lessons in French, worked, biked, made lunch, about to eat dinner, then stop at the art store, draft for about 5 hours, and then go to bed.

1 comment:

Derek said...

Regarding the 2 comments below, there should be a middle-ground between a loss and win. What do you do when you get sick? It isn't reasonable to say "I didn't work 100% today so therefor I get a loss" given that the things that are preventing you from working are out of your control. Following that line of logic, then, the Dentist is something out of your control and the aftermath is you getting thrown off of your ideal routine. Of course the major difference is that going to the dentist doesn't mean you can't do anything for the rest of the day. It would seem, then, that the best two options in my opinion (even though I don't rate myself DTD) is either to not count these days as a win OR a loss, or count them in another category where if you still manage to get some things done it counts as a 1/2 a point and if you don't it counts as half a loss. In this manner, then, in order to get a full win you need to get 2 wins on these unusual days. Same thing goes for getting a loss. Only two consecutive 1/2 losses would count towards and overall loss.

It would at least allow you to not feel that events out of your control mean you wasted the day.