Sunday, February 11, 2007

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 123-10
Streak: Won 5

Summary: I completed Artist's Way! 12 weeks of work--we'll see how it pays off. Woke up at a leisurely time; ate scones, tea, and an omelet while listening to jazz; wrote my morning pages; did some other stuff--went grocery shopping, got ice cream. It was a fun day. Eva and I went into one of her friend's dorm rooms, and it hit me how much I miss college. Your meals are taken care of for you, your room is small and paid for, there's no substantial cleaning, your job is to read all day. That really was glorious. The last year and half has been way less awesome than college.

Week in Review: I started my 100-days challenge, and I showed some great resolve right from the start. I bought that drafting board, which was huge, so this week should be a little more relaxed. The key thing I want to improve upon next week is sleep. Sleep is #1. I need to take care of that.
My schedule is going to change a little bit since I completed Artist's Way. I'm going to write from 6-7, at least Mon-Thurs, if not Mon-Fri. I definitely need to do that on Monday and Wednesday because of class. I'm going to experiment with different things to see how I can work that in. The important thing is that I get 6 hours per week on the book (6 solid hours!). I really like the idea of doing them first thing in the morning, because I've gotten used to being creative as soon as I wake up, and it's peaceful in the house at that time. Plus, if I finish my writing for the day as soon as I wake up, bam!, I've already started my day like a champion. If I don't have a huge amount of work to do on Friday night, and I need extra sleep, I'll probably let myself sleep in. Actually, no that's not true, maybe I'll do morning pages and then write in the afternoon. We'll see.
I really really really want to have a clear Saturday night next week. It hasn't happened yet since I started my most recent schedule. Each interruption is legitimate, but it's crazy that there has been an anomaly every week. I can't foresee anything for this week, but something could easily come up. Oh actually, I think the employee appreciation party for my work is this Saturday, so there you go, it's a nice thing, and I look forward to it, but no free Saturday next week either.
So I want to continue my wins, get a good hour in on my book every morning, get 8 hours of sleep each night, and complete all of my work by Friday night (except Saturday's hour of writing).

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