Monday, February 12, 2007

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 124-10
Streak: Won 6

Summary: I started working on my novel again today. It was surreal. I actually had two dreams that I fucked up and slept through my writing time. I think subconsciously I am fearing this. Oh well, as I've said before, I could care less what my emotions do. I looked over my progress to date, organized my computerized work, and reread the section on novels in How to Read a Book.
I want to make something clear concerning my novel. This is personal work. It is not a project. It fulfills no moral obligation. It does not occur on a time-line. My design, planning, and possible political work will fulfill my moral obligation to society, but this is private and sacred. I'll talk about it on here, but I'm going to give this thing as much time as it needs, and I am not going to use any words like, "dominate", "champion", "kick-ass" or anything like that to talk about.
After my book hour, I did my normal stuff, biked, worked, weighed in at 173.4, completed two lessons in French, perused le monde online, biked again, and now I'm off to class.
Tolstoy said something along the lines of "life is what happens when changes occur". Today I changed my lunch from falafel sandwiches to Trader Joe's instant Indian cuisine. I love it. It rejuvenated me in a way, and I'm actually looking forward to lunch again.
Derek: I understand that daily progress can be repetitive, but I find that it's helpful to me to report it, partially in order to help sustain ourselves for the long haul. Also, I gain motivation every time I see someone else's post because, aside from the details, it is a simple manifestation of the fact that someone out there gives a shit and is striving to do something. Plus, you could talk about things you learned concerning the general arts of time management and psychology. It doesn't all have to be facts.

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