Sunday, August 09, 2009

Score for Fri, Sat, and Sun: 4

I finally had a series of virtuous days. Saturday Shiva and I went to Spectacle Island, part of the Boston Harbor Islands. It was a gorgeous day and the perfect way to relax in the summer. I was able to read a significant portion of Middlemarch, one of two books I'm working on right now (the other being The Image of the City by Kevin Lynch).
I'm pleased with my self-control and deliberateness of action. One deficiency is my inconsistent use of the organizational system I have established for myself. For example, I want to look through my task list, calendar, and other organizers daily, but sometimes I do not. I've also realized that in the haste of my life over the last several months, I have completely abandoned my study of French. I watched a French film today and was still able to understand much of the dialogue, but I don't expect to retain my knowledge indefinitely. I'm debating what to do about this. I really don't have much more time to spread around to other activities.


Anonymous said...

Put down Middlemarch and go pick up the French translation of it.

Chris said...

Unfortunately, at 800 pages, a French version of Middlemarch would take me 5 years to read. The English version might take me 1 year to read given my schedule. Plus, I read so many non-English texts in translation, I wouldn't want to pass on the opportunity to read a Great Book in its original language.