Friday, September 07, 2007

Score for 9/6: +2
Total: 4

Summary: Most of the day was spent moving, but I also had a chance to study French and engage in enjoyable, philosophical discourse with Will. It's incredible being in Philadelphia finally. We walked out of the apartment this morning, through the park, and had a liesurely coffee at La Colombe. It's like a dream.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Score for 9/5: +1
Total: 2

Summary: I went for my job interview, spent time working on domains, and got a lot of exercise walking around the city. I didn't spend any unnecessary money, sort of. I had a 5 dollar bill, and I needed to get on the El, but they don't give change, so I bought 3 pretzels for $1 at Philly Pretzel Company to get change. The pretzels were delicious, and by using the El I saved $3, since it was about $2, whereas the regional rail would have been $5 (maybe a bit less because I could have bought the ticket at the counter). It would be great if I got the job. I'm just waiting for now.
In 12 hours I should be setting up my new apartment in Rittenhouse Square. I've been waiting a while for this.
Score: +1
Total: 1

Summary: Did a decent amount of work; ate slightly immoderately. Didn't spend any money and worked out extra to balance the overindulgence.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Score: -2
Total: 0

Summary: Back to zero, but the shame ends tonight. The score is due to the fact that I spent money and ate immoderately. I took my sister back to WC tonight, and Thursday I move to Philly, so I should be getting back into a normal schedule.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Outcome: -1
Total: 2

Summary: I was immoderate with my eating.