Saturday, August 23, 2008

Today I worked out budgeting and finance planning, downloaded some software, went for a jog around the neighborhood, did a partial work-out set, picked up some misc. items at Wallgreens, spent 1 hour doing Economics, spent 2 hours doing French, synced my iCal with the department calendar, and set up a department RSS feed.
Overall my day was solid. I got up 3 hours later than I wanted to, even though I went to bed on time. I was willing to let that slide since I'd been getting such little sleep before that. I felt anxious when I was working out my budgeting and administrative stuff. I think I've been pushing myself too hard lately. I had a nice talk with Ricardo when I was making dinner. When I went to Wallgreens I allowed myself to get a bit of junk food with the intention of eating it moderately over time, and today I was successful at it, though it was challenging. There's no reason why I shouldn't be able to eat snacks so long as they're eaten in harmless quantities. In fact, it'll make me better off since I'll be happier.
Tomorrow I'm going to help with the house clean, go shopping for new clothes, attend a grad student BBQ, and put in another hour each on French and Economics.

Friday, August 22, 2008

I continued my administrative work today. I signed the lease, met with the housemates on some planning issues, updated some of my accounts with new addresses, did other misc. admin, and had dinner with Eric.
I'm feeling more settled than I was. If I get a solid sleep tonight I should be approaching the threshold of healthy sleep balance. Meeting with Eric was nice. We had falafel in central square and talked for a while about various things. I already feel like I'm building a community the likes of which I haven't had since SJC. That's a huge benefit of school. I also randomly saw my instructor from last summer's program.
I think having gone to the open house is having a huge effect on my state of mind in these days preceding the start of school. I'm not really nervous, and I feel like I already know so many people. I probably felt more nervous last summer for my program than I do now entering grad school! Anyway, that's good.
I've noticed a phenomenon with my own working habits. Let's say I have two sets of endeavors, A and B. Let's say A is something like, "study the economics book in preparation for the test-out", and let's say B is something like, "get all of your paperwork in order". It's better to do a some A and some B simultaneously than it is to plan to do all B first, until it's finished, and then do all A. You would think that it wouldn't matter. Let's say I have 50 hours to spend in a multi-day period. If I spend the first 25 on B and the second 25 on A, that should be the same as if I spend every other hour in sequence alternatively between B and A, right? Actually, it doesn't seem to work out that way. The net productivity seems higher if I alternate or do them both at the same time.
In light of that, tomorrow I intend to do some economics and some administrative work. Part of my admin is downloading some software, updating some remaining accounts with my new address, and sorting out the new rents at the apartment.
Today was more administrative tasks, mainly. I went to the realty office to start the process of getting the apartment paperwork finished, then I went grocery shopping, took a nap, and helped John paint his room. I'm still in a huge sleep debt, which I intend to make up in the coming days.
I met two of my other roommate, both of whom seem cool. This should be a good house to live in.
Tomorrow will basically be more admin, which is the bulk of what I'll likely be doing for now.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Quick post, because I'm exhausted. I moved up to Cambridge today after a long night of packing, cleaning, and painting. I'm extremely grateful for all the help people gave me at various times during the process. The place looked beautiful on the way out.
The ride up was decent. Once I got there I moved in, returned the rental truck, got set-up on a basic level, did some book keeping, and wrote some e-mails. The apartment is sweet, and the roommates I've met so far are really nice. Being in Cambridge seems kind of familiar at this point, like when I got here, I was thinking, "ok, you're back here again, cool. Let's get back to work"