Friday, October 20, 2006

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 19-0
Streak: 19

Summary: It's important on days full of unusual things to keep a focus on priorities. Today at work was casual--someone brought in free lunch, I had a nice coffee in the morning, and I got to participate in a cupping. I was feeling free and happy with my friday. Then I got this wierd aesthetic anxiety, like my work-day was somehow less than my best and that I was going to get a loss today. But I figured if I wrote, which I did, and kept up with the French, which I did, and spent any extra time on plan b, which I would have if I had any, then it was ok and I could still count the day as a win. Basically writing, plan b, and ethics are the real fundamental criteria, and if I cover those things, then I'm good.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 18-0
Streak: 18

Summary: Hour of writing, worked, planned for this weekend, did enough French so that I'll finish the lesson tomorrow, worked on project x for an hour, made dinner, and soon I'll read.
Here's how much I'll say about project x: it is no longer active; instead, it is being subsumed under a larger project, which is to start down the path of a plan b in case the book doesn't work, meaning graduate school preparation, looking into different programs, etc. I'll let you figure out what project x was. Right now I'm researching the functions and professional lives of urban planners and green architects, as a start.
I noticed that I tighten my stomach muscles pretty much all day. That probably wastes a lot of energy. Only when I become aware of it do I temporarily relax them. I'm not going to stress about this too much, but I will try to work on it. Like Andy Ried says, "we need to do better on that" Speaking of which, briefly, what the hell Mike Lewis? He went from being one of my favorite players on the team, who I viewed as an underrated Dawkins, to not being able to cover shit on the pass. He still tackles like a beast, and I have faith that he'll turn around, but damn.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 17-0
Streak: 17

Summary: Writing for an hour and a half, French for 15 minutes, normal stuff, tried to adjust my schedule so Eva and I can spend more time, and worked on project x. Tonight will be reading.
I'm ready to reveal project x, sort of. But first Dan must post. That's the deal: I'll stop being mysterious if Dan starts posting again. Hell yeah D-rock on the accomplishments and the regular posting.
So Dan, you know how you've mentioned a point where a person starts living virtuously and never turns back? Like after all the false starts and fuck ups, maybe you can finally launch and maintain it with some kind of permanence? I don't want to jinx myself or be overconfident, not to mention my skepticism as to whether such a point actually exists, but if it does exist, maybe I reached it. Who knows. I'm not inflating my scores at all, and I can't see myself faltering right now.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 16-0
Streak: 16

Summary: Today I did a good job with the things I committed to working on. I maintained good mental control and had a positive outlook. I should mention that last night I read a ton, in a quality fashion, and I'm about 160 pages into the book now after two days. That's the kind of progress that I like to see. I wrote for an hour and a half today. My outline for the first part is finalized, and I'm ready to go full-on with writing it. That should maybe take 2 weeks. I did some of the French lesson, and just now I put some time into project x. Getting a full night of sleep last night was hugely beneficial toward every aspect of my endeavor for virtue today. It's so essential.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 15-0
Streak: 15

Summary: Today, like that one day last week, was another close win. Some things I did well: writing was great, and I overcame my initial malaise that I felt when I woke up. Things I didn't do well: I looked at for injury updates and commentary, which is bad because I committed to stop reading crap like that, since it is incidental to the actual games. I was still bummed about the game, which I think needs to be worked on. By that I mean that I need to do better making sure that the games don't affect me negatively. My project x time was so-so, but in retrospect, it wasn't terrible (I only put in about 1/2 an hour). I'm giving myself the win on the condition that I exhibit good mental control throughout the rest of the day, cook and clean efficiently, and read during my leisure time. If I screw up any of those things, I'm logging on and changing the outcome to a loss.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 14-0
Streak: 14

Summary: Sad loss for the Eagles. I have to try extra hard to maintain my composure. Getting up was nice, the game was horrible, I ate too much at the bar and I'm feeling sick, I cleaned a lot and made lunch for next week, and later I'll probably read. I didn't do anything really unethical today, that I know of, so that's why I got the win (this is supposed to be my day of rest).

Weekly Summary: This was another awesome week in terms of striving for virtue. I took care of the basics--ate moderately, did my job faithfully at work, took care of my domestic tasks, and treated others with respect. I put in a lot of work on project x--this week it actually got off the ground, and if I continue putting in work at the same level, it'll be a huge success. I didn't write a lot because I was working on project x. This will be changed next week. I completed at least 1 lesson in French (I can't remember how much I did)--I only work on that for 15 minutes Mon-Fri on lunch break at work. I finished Hebrew Thought Compared With Greek. It was very interesting, but I felt like I didn't have a way to know whether the guy was right or not, since I'm not a Hebrew scholar (I'm not a Greek scholar either). I just enjoyed the ride. His hypothesis is beautiful, if nothing else. Definitely worthwhile.
Plan for next week: The big adjustment I'm going to make to my system is to require myself to write for at least an hour each day, including Saturday. Project x is the most important project right now, but I can't let it eclipse the writing. As always I need to continue working on my mental control and maintaining a good state of mind. I did better with that this week, but I still have a long way to go. Also, I need to read even more--again, I did more of that this week, but I need to do more. I basically get involved in distractions which are not necessarily forbidden by my system, but are still not the best I could be doing. Here's an example: one day this week I had about 2 1/2 hours that I could have read before going to sleep. While I was finishing up my tasks in the kitchen, Eva started watching Gilmore Girls on her computer. In my system currently, the time between the completion of all my chores and bedtime is free for relaxation, but ideally I should spend it doing something of high value, such as reading. That night I let myself sit down and watch Gilmore Girls for the whole 2 1/2 hours. It wasn't a failure or forbidden by the system, since I'm allowed to relax at the end of the night, but it would have been better if I used the time reading. Well, on the other hand, since it was time with Eva, it was good in that sense, so maybe I could have spent an hour watching that and an hour and a half reading. Or on another night, I talked to a friend on the phone, which is virtuous, but the call really didn't need to take 2 hours, as it did. Like watching GGs, it wasn't forbidden, but I could have maybe talked for 1/2 an hour and read for 1 1/2 hours. My next book is How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler.
Yo Dan, seriously, your goal for next week should be to post on your blog. D rock is kicking your ass with posts, and I haven't seen anything from Kyle in a long time.