Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 17-0
Streak: 17

Summary: Writing for an hour and a half, French for 15 minutes, normal stuff, tried to adjust my schedule so Eva and I can spend more time, and worked on project x. Tonight will be reading.
I'm ready to reveal project x, sort of. But first Dan must post. That's the deal: I'll stop being mysterious if Dan starts posting again. Hell yeah D-rock on the accomplishments and the regular posting.
So Dan, you know how you've mentioned a point where a person starts living virtuously and never turns back? Like after all the false starts and fuck ups, maybe you can finally launch and maintain it with some kind of permanence? I don't want to jinx myself or be overconfident, not to mention my skepticism as to whether such a point actually exists, but if it does exist, maybe I reached it. Who knows. I'm not inflating my scores at all, and I can't see myself faltering right now.

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