Friday, September 23, 2005

Rating for 9/22: 3

Dan, it's good to see that things are looking more optimistic. As for myself, rating yesterday is tricky. I got up, ate a decent breakfast, rode to work, did my job well, rode home, immediately started making dinner the house (With Honors style), ate dinner, skated for exactly an hour, came back in to do the dishes, and then...I fell asleep. I totally passed out without meaning to. This happened around 8 pm. I fell alseep face down, fully clothed and with my shoes still on, with my arms and legs spread out like a flying squirrel. I guess I was just exhausted. I slept until 11:30 this morning, so all together, my body forced me to sleep 15 1/2 hours. Do I deserve a three, especially since I feel like I had no control over what happened? I don't know, it's not that important. I'll err on the side of being conservative, so as not to devalue high-scores in the system.
With regard to my general, daily activities, I decided to try a strategy that I've heard suggested by others. Every day I want to force myself to spend some amount of time, for example, 15 minutes minimum, on my projects. The reason I want to do this is because when I think about my personal endeavors, such as writing my novel or working on the computer program, their enormity can easily intimidate me and put me into an aggitated state. I want to combat that tendency by doing a little bit each day. Recently I've gotten into the habit of only working on those things when I have a huge chunk of time set aside with no distractions. Most days, however, I only have one or two hours, at the end of a tiring day to work on them. Consequently, it's easy for me just delay working on them until I have a day off, during which I can spend the whole day working on them. This has resulted in me wasting an hour or two everyday, that if they were to be added up, would probably constitute several days of lost work. This could also easily boost my scores by a point every day (of course, on a day like yesterday, which admittedly has been uncommon, there's nothing I can do to improve my score).

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Rating for 9/21: 3
Yesterday would have gotten a 3.5 if we were using half-points. I went to work, did well, and rode my bike in order to commute--as I said before, automatic three, at the minumum. The extra half point comes from skateboarding and trying to be as nice to Eva as possible while she's sick. The big thing that I didn't do was work on my novel. I need to move faster on that.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Rating for 9/20: 3

I agree with Kyle--I'd love for you to keep up the system Dan, but if not, that's totally understandable. At least you still posted, even if it wasn't part of the rating system.
My day yesterday was so-so, more on the good side though. I continued to study Joyce, had a lovely coffee with Eva in the afternoon, spent time contemplating some very serious personal stuff (not bad stuff, just, perhaps, spending time thinking more about what it means to be a human being), rode my bike, was inspired by Scott Buchannon and Stringfellow Barr, and contributed to what turned out to be a great birthday for Ben. I screwed around a little, but overall, it was ok. I skated for a while too.
Dan, you know the quick and easy explanation that I've heard a lot of people give as to why St. John's exists is that it's a place for cultivating the habits and skills of the mind to properly engage the question of what it means to be a human being. And I agree that that question is essential, and not at all obvious or simple.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Rating for 9/19: 4

Before I talk about my day, I want to encourage Dan to continue posting. Why not post? Is it because it takes too much time? If that's the reason, remember that you suggested resurrecting the system as a means to stimulate the participants in their respective pursuits of virtue. It's meant to increase productivity, among other things. So posting is like running--even though it literally takes some time away from other things, it ends up making you more productive when you're working, so the benefit outweighs the cost, understanding time and energy as cost and improved overall performance as benefit. Are you suspending the posts due to shame? The system is weak if it only works during prosperous times. It should force you to be accountable for your endeavors, whether or not they are succesful, especially when they are not succesful, because that's precisely when you need the boost that the system is meant to provide. Keep up the volley damn it.
About my day: I figure that if I ride my bike and put in a day of work, that day must get at least a 3, no less. In addition to doing those things, I made a good dinner for the house, cleaned almost everything before I actually finished, and began reading before eight. I'm studying Joyce's early literature to emulate his use of language in my novel. I took a bunch of notes and observed several helpful points of style. I also brainstormed for the computer game. The only negatives yesterday were that I got up too late again and rushed through my morning routine, and that I became drowsy while I was studying and ended earlier than I had planned.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Rating for 9/18: 2

I want to clarify one of the points that I made in my last post: instead of saying that I won't consider how well formed my plans are, I should have said something like, I won't penalize myself for a plan that turns out to be objectively less wise than some other plan. Quality planning is a huge part of scoring well; I was just trying to make the point that I'll do what I can with the resources I have, which includes knowledge for making plans, but I won't take away points if some other course of action that I couldn't have known about would have been better.
About yesterday: yesterday I wanted to work on my novel, but I didn't. That's the main reason that I gave myself a two. I basically hung out, found an awesome sports bar where I watched the Eagles game, and spent some time skateboarding. The skating was good, and I got a ton of exercise doing it, and combined with my usual bike riding, I gave myself a 2 instead of a 1 to reflect the exercise. Plus I enjoyed yesterday, and it's always good to enjoy a day. I realized yesterday that my bike is to me as Brian Westbrook is to the Eagles--no matter what's going on, or no matter how bad I'm doing, I can always count on my bike to boost my score a little bit.