Monday, September 19, 2005

Rating for 9/18: 2

I want to clarify one of the points that I made in my last post: instead of saying that I won't consider how well formed my plans are, I should have said something like, I won't penalize myself for a plan that turns out to be objectively less wise than some other plan. Quality planning is a huge part of scoring well; I was just trying to make the point that I'll do what I can with the resources I have, which includes knowledge for making plans, but I won't take away points if some other course of action that I couldn't have known about would have been better.
About yesterday: yesterday I wanted to work on my novel, but I didn't. That's the main reason that I gave myself a two. I basically hung out, found an awesome sports bar where I watched the Eagles game, and spent some time skateboarding. The skating was good, and I got a ton of exercise doing it, and combined with my usual bike riding, I gave myself a 2 instead of a 1 to reflect the exercise. Plus I enjoyed yesterday, and it's always good to enjoy a day. I realized yesterday that my bike is to me as Brian Westbrook is to the Eagles--no matter what's going on, or no matter how bad I'm doing, I can always count on my bike to boost my score a little bit.

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