Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Rating for 11/7: 3.5

On Sunday night I was pissed. At the time I thought that the primary cause of my anger was the fact that I basically wasted the weekend and have been lazy in general recently. In retrospect I think it was only because of the Eagles game. Regardless of the source, my anger motivated me to knock out a series of domestic chores and complete a half hour of intense exercise. That burst of energy was productive, but it caused me to go to bed late, which in turn contributed to getting up late yesterday. I had intended to do sprints from 8-9, but that didn't happen. I did get up and get ready for work, without being hurried, went to work, did well, went to the gym afterward to lift weights, got a recipe for pad thai, biked home, cooked dinner, and cleaned up. After cleaning up, I felt my cold intensifying. In the space of about two hours, I went from feeling fine to feeling like a pile of feces. I passed out on the couch, woke up when everyone came home, stayed up in a half-awake state, reading periodicals and drinking tea, and then finally went back to bed. I'm trying especially hard lately to get into great physical shape, get enough sleep, and eat well. I've found that meeting those three goals contributes immensely to my ability to assert my will and be successful. I've also started taking two flax seed oil pills per day; I think I can already feel the effect.

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