Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Outcome: "Loss"
Record: 56-2
Streak: Lost 1

Summary: Already I'm calling this one a loss. Last night I barely achieved a "win". Up until when I posted, I was right on the line. Let's say the cutoff was "80%" or something--I was 80%. Then I said I would need to be on-point for the rest of the night. Let's say the cutoff for "on-point" was "90%"--I was 90%. So basically leading into today, I was technically willing to give myself the win, but without the satisfaction of it being definitive, or strong. Then this morning I just acted like an asshole. I lost my serenity, I overindulged in some food, and I only did 2/3rds of my morning pages. I'm pissed at myself. I need to get back into my good schedule. I'm not giving up for today, and I'll still try to do something good, but this one is going down as a loss.

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