Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 3-0
Streak: Won 3

Summary: My weight is down to 174.1. I'm very surprised that it's not higher than that after the last two weeks. Tomorrow I should finish my current French program. I wrote a letter, and in a little I'm going to my classes. I still have As in both of them.
My emotions went ape on me today, but I powered through it. My monk/warrior paradigm serves me extremely well when I use it. To review, that's where my first move is to be tranquil, even meditative, and go about each task in a calm, orderly fashion, fully embracing each task for its good, and not paying attention to time or how close I am to being done. If this doesn't work, I switch to the warrior mode, where I power through each thing and almost punish myself with more work. When I start having anxiety about not finishing, or if I start being impatient, I'll stop paying attention to that and just tackle my assignments.

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