Friday, March 07, 2008

*Post for 3/6*
I can't access my task list right now, so I can't recap that.

Summary: I worked the entire day starting at 9:20. I missed the trolley that would have gotten me here by 9:00, which was frustrating. This was because I stopped at a convenience store on my way to the Green Line and lost a few minutes. If I walk directly to the subway, I can leave at 7:45, but any diversions must be accounted for and time added accordingly. My not doing this was because of carelessness (I vaguely had the notion that I could hurry and still get everything done within my time frame).

Plan for tomorrow: I will sleep now for 8 hours, get up and eat a healthy breakfast, and then head back. I will work on Kaplan stuff until Eva gets home. The most immediate task is to schedule a session 6 for next week. After Eva gets home, we'll go to the Flower Show, and later Alex and Rachel are coming over. We don't know if they'll be here for dinner. I also plan to exercise and eliminate at least one small item on my task list.

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