Saturday, October 14, 2006

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 13-0
Streak: 13

Summary: The first half of my day was perfect. I got up leisurely, ate a nice breakfast with coffee, hung out with Eva, showered, and then we did all of our shopping in an hour and half, including shitty driving and parking time. I love that I only drive once a week. After than we unpacked the stuff, I cleaned the bathroom, I did some dishes, and then I put in a solid hour on the novel, using my new strategy of short but numerous time bursts to work on it. It went well, and from here on out I'm chilling, hoping to finish a ton of reading, and later I'll watch a movie with Eva.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo, the feds called and they were pressing me about Project X. I was like, "I don't know, but I'll bet it is something virtuous." Then they asked me to define 'virtuous.' I's like, "I've got the Amazon order going to Virginia by tomorrow." The replied, "Amazon order?" To which I responded, "Yeah. Plato and Aristotle and a few others to help with the definition of 'virtue.'"

Too bad about the Eagles. You and D-rock should keep up the spirit, though. They can still dominated the Superbowl.