Sunday, December 03, 2006

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 61-2
Streak: Won 5

Summary: Got a haircut, did my shopping, made my lunches for next week. Exercised moderation and good ethics in general.

Week in review: This week was tough...too tough. I'm thinking it's because I lost my momentum by going up to Philly. It's hard when you come to accept a less-than-ideal situation, and then suddenly find yourself in paradise only to be yanked back to your former situation days later. Now I'm anxious, and everything seems to be moving too slow. I can overcome it though, and I persevered during some difficult moments. One thing I've noticed is that I have cultivated a pretty strong fall-back energy source, meaning, even after I've hit the point where I'm totally against doing something, I'm antsy, uncomfortable, and being pulled in some other direction by my emotions and impulses, I've been able to turn that off, get serious and hardcore for a second, and sit down and do what I have to do. That's fucking excellent. I would love to keep building that.
Next week I want to be more clear and conscious in my actions. I want things to be crisp. I want to know what my plan is, act in accordance with it, and remember that I acted in accordance with it. I have been doing this to a certain extent, otherwise I wouldn't have given myself the wins, but I need to do it better.
Next week I will do lesson 12 in French, lesson 4 in AW, get a GRE book and start studying for that, go to the envirocenter meeting on Tuesday, do some other stuff for "b", start applying my budget, eat healthfully (hopefully lose a bit more weight), and take care of a host of admin shit.

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