Thursday, February 01, 2007

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 114-9
Streak: Won 1

Summary: Last night I worked so hard, had such good etiquette, and just generally carried myself with such a virtuous comportment, that I was tempted to change my loss to a win. However, I believe that there are certain core requisites for a win, such as doing my morning pages.
This morning I did do my morning pages, followed by the usual routine. I spent 4 hours in the studio working on one of my projects.
I came up with an idea for a possible schedule adjustment. I'm going to have 40 more dollars a month because I'm ceasing my Sprint internet service. My idea was to keep my budget the same, and work 5 hours a week less and use those 5 hours (1 each day), to work on my book. This would take effect at the beginning of my next budget cycle, which nicely coincides with the completion of Artist's Way (a week and a half from now). This way I'd only have class, 1/2 hour of admin, 1/2 hour of cleaning, and homework to complete after work. That will be more sustainable.

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