Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Outcome: "Loss"
Record: 88-6
Streak: Lost 1

Summary: Today wasn't all that bad in terms of production, but crucial things were lacking. I completed a tough day at work, and when I got home I plowed through my list of administrative tasks and studied for the GRE. The reason I gave myself a loss was, first, that I was sloppy with my diet today and ate pastries and cookies and shit at work, second, I should have done Artist's Way exercises and I didn't (I opted to watch a movie instead), and third, in general my vigor was lacking. I'm not too worried about this, mainly because I can identify very specific and probable causes of my recent struggles. First, I didn't do my normal grocery shopping this week and my diet has suffered as a result. This weekend I should go again and get back on track. Second, I didn't get much sleep at all this weekend, and I've been sleep deprived since then (even right now). Like the first thing, it'll probably take the weekend to restore this. I'm going to try hard tomorrow, and like I said, this wasn't a horrible loss or anything, but I just had to be honest with myself.
These past few days have reminded me how important diet and sleep are. I already knew this, but it's nice to be reminded. My theory is that if I get excellent sleep, diet, and exercise, I will probably have a 20:1 win/loss ratio, but if I slack on even one of those, I will have closer to a 2:1 win/loss ratio. That's how big those things are to me.

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