Friday, January 05, 2007

Outcome: “Win”
Record: 90-6
Streak: Won 2

Summary: Little built-in, routine activities that are virtuous are great because they only take a few minutes each day, but they add up to something substantial. Like my French for 15 minutes at lunch every day at work. I’m learning French just by habitually utilizing a small space of time that is routinely available to me. Biking is the same way. Actually, biking is even better because it both accomplishes a necessary task while giving me extra bonuses on the side. In the spirit of what I’m talking about, from now on, I’m going to write a dual-language version of my blog, while still keeping the time to a minimum.
I realized today that I am impoverished, literally. I live below the poverty line. I always pictured people living below the poverty line as subsisting in these dilapidated shacks, suffering, looking out from their porches with ghost-like eyes. Well, I am the picture of poverty. Ha! For some reason, this thought is endlessly amusing to me. Well, it’s not really funny at all when anyone is poor, but I don’t suffer too much. I have my basics taken care of.
Aujourd’hui, j’ai realise que je suis pauvre, serieusement. Je vis en bas de la ligne de pauvrete. Je toujours m’imaginais ce que les gens qui vivant en bas de la ligne de pauvrete comme subsistant dans ces maisons effondrement, regardant dehors avec les yeux de fantomes.
Ca c’est bien. Plus en retard.
Oh yeah, plus, I did my shopping tonight, and I made my lunches, so no more food bullshit like earlier this week.

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