Thursday, December 28, 2006

Outcome: "Win"
Record: 84-4
Streak: Won 20

Summary: Another solid day, although my state of mind was more volatile. My schedule right now is 1 1/2 hours of AW, which includes the mandatory 45 min. morning pages, 1 hour on "b", 1/2 hour cleaning, 1/2 hour dealing with administrative crap, 15 min. on French, and the remainder is free, which would ideally be used to read. My AW was solid today; for b I wrote an e-mail, stopped into an architecture office, and studied for the GRE; French I caught up to where I should be; and for my admin I went to the dentist after a long period of time without seeing one. It seems that I've been doing a good job taking care of my teeth, or I got lucky, because everything looks good. I haven't mentioned this before, but I require myself to perform a dental hygiene routine every morning and evening in order to get a win. My weight was 177.

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