Friday, November 30, 2007

Score: +1
Total: 43
Work hours today: ---
Work hours for the week: ---
Days Sugar Free: 1
Sleep: 8 hours until the test is over.

Summary: Enjoyed 3 episodes of The Wire, took another practice test, studied, and worked on my application. I decided not to do the portfolio because there was another piece that was actually required that I needed to finish today, so I can send it tomorrow. While I was preparing this part of the application, I was asked to list and briefly describe all the different college courses I've taken. As I was going back through my memory of St. John's classes, it struck me #1, how much I miss it, and #2, how great of a time that really was. It was so good it was unreal. I had no idea how good things were then. It was like living in a utopia in the sky, contemplating the highest things, and now I'm struggling in this gritty, harsh, shitty world below. But even that's not true, my life now is pretty good, but still--that was "halcyon", as the GRE might put it. As Ghostfaced Killah said, "That's that real shit G, I miss those shits, man, I wanna go back to school, man
that's my word, man for real y'all, those were, those were the... goddamn y'all, you remember...I miss those days man, for real" Fuckin-A Ghost, just like your comments on art, your wisdom resonates in my soul. Yeah, so I'm going back to school. Hopefully it'll be even half as nice as St. John's was.

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